
Phone number

14901 Southlawn Lane, Rockville, MD 20850

Main Office location

Rockville Fuel & Feed Co., Inc.
Rockville Fuel & Feed is a leading supplier of ready mix concrete in the Maryland Suburbs of Washington DC. With plants in the five major counties in Maryland and over 65 trucks to service our customers, we can supply concrete to jobs of any size. Our plants and trucks are Maryland SHA and National Ready Mix Concrete Association Certified.
Ready Mix Concrete
The company has been providing high-quality ready-mix concrete to the Maryland suburbs of Washington DC for several years. With extensive experience and expertise in the industry, the company has become a leading supplier of ready-mix concrete in the region. The company prides itself on providing reliable and efficient service to its clients.

why choose us for your project!

We’re dedicated to providing tailored ready mix concrete solutions to ensure the success of your construction projects. Experience the benefits of working with a trusted and reliable concrete supplier.


Implementing advanced concrete solutions for optimal project success.


Supplying high-quality ready mix concrete for strength and durability.


Working with seasoned professionals committed to customer satisfaction.


Ensuring prompt and reliable concrete delivery for seamless project progress.

Attention to Safety

Safety is a top priority, and our drivers are well-trained and monitored to adhere to safety guidelines.

Embracing Sustainability

We always try to find more eco-friendly options, such as using Carbon Cure in our mixes to trap CO2.

Our commitment to delivering unparalleled quality and service in ready mix concrete has been the cornerstone of our success.

Elkridge Plant

7131 Dorsey Run Road, Elkridge, MD 21075

Rockville Plant

14901 Southlawn Lane, Rockville, MD 20850

Beltsville Plant

11530 East Maple Ave., Beltsville, MD 20705

Frederick Plant

8092 Hillmark Ct., Frederick, MD 21704

Marriottsville Plant

11411 Marriottsville Rd, Marriottsville, MD 21104

How we became best among others?

Rockville Fuel & Feed is a leading supplier of ready mix concrete in the Maryland Suburbs of Washington DC. Our plants and trucks are Maryland SHA and National Ready Mix Concrete Association Certified.

Our primary service areas are in the following counties in Maryland.

We also serve parts of North East and North West Washington DC

Building Strong, Lasting Relationships For Successful Projects Together. Contact Us Now

construction projects

our recent projects

Explore our latest achievements in providing top-quality ready mix concrete for a diverse range of construction projects. Witness our dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction as we showcase our involvement in residential, commercial, and industrial builds. Join us in celebrating the successful outcomes of our concrete expertise.

Appreciated by our clients

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Plant Locations
Years in Business
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We deliver Ready Mix Concrete to 7 counties in Maryland and the parts of the District of Columbia

Ready mix concrete is a mixture of cement, aggregates, water, and admixtures that is prepared at a batching plant and delivered to a construction site in a ready-to-use condition. It offers consistent quality, reduces material wastage, and saves time compared to traditional on-site mixing.

We supply ready mix concrete for a wide range of projects, including residential, commercial, and industrial construction. This includes houses, shopping malls, schools, museums, high-rise buildings, government facilities, roads, bridges, power plants, water treatment plants, and rail systems.

Our service area covers approximately 20 miles from one of our plants, located in Maryland. We are committed to delivering high-quality concrete to your job site within this range.

See our locations

Call the phone number to reach our central dispatch center to place an order for concrete from any of our plant locations

Using ready mix concrete offers several benefits, such as consistent quality, reduced material wastage, and time savings. Our professional batching ensures the precise mixture of ingredients, resulting in a higher quality product. Additionally, the pre-mixed concrete eliminates the need for on-site storage and mixing, reducing waste and labor costs.

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